
Mill Creek Pony Club

Comment here on your past experiences with the Mill Creek Pony Club Horse Trials. See the first post for a "how-to" of evaluations, and comment away!


At 3:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

May 2005
Terrain: 4
Jumps: 4
Time: 3

The MCPC HT at Longview Horse Park has really stepped up their game with new jumps for all levels. Thre are many terrian changes and the course is quite hilly with challenging questions at all levels.

The new water complex is large and inviting but backed off many horses due to the newness and lack of grass. The new banks for all levels ride well, they just need to weather as do many of the new jumps. The majority are nicely constructed and inviting. Jumps at BN/N are max for these levels and IMHO this would not be a good move up course for lower level riders.

The footing on course can be a little iffy. There were many areas with large holes (from schoolings held when the footing was wet), and if the course is dry, it is quite hard. The lower portion of the course immediately surrounding the coffin complex is almost always wet and boggy due to poor drainage.

Dressage is held in a large sand arena, frequently with 2-3 rings running at a time. The footing is quite nice although the warm-up area can be a little chaotic.

Stadium is held in the same sand arena as dressage. This year's course did not ride well for any level and many riders had a refusal at an in and out that was poorly situated right on the rail. The jumps themselves weren't at issue but the approach was odd and the course didn't seem to flow well.

The event is extremely well run and friendly. The permanent stabling is open and airy and nicely accessible for easy loading and unloading. An added bonus are the permanent restroom facilities for those who eschew the Porta-potties. Overall a very nice, well attended event which is only going to get better once the cross country course settles in a bit. On line course walk at: millcreek.ponyclub.org in the Horse Trials section.


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