
the Ark

Comment here on your past experiences with the Horse Trials at the Ark. See the first post for a "how-to" of evaluations, and comment away.


At 7:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Novice Level:
Terrain: 2
Jumps: 3.5
Time/Distance: 3

Dressage had warm-up in a covered arena of a pretty good size. There was definitely room to work without feeling like you were about to get run over. The test was held on an outdoor bluestone arena with good footing.

Cross-country warm-up was perhaps the worst part of the competition. It was at best crowded and a worst dangerous. There were many horses jammed into a small, sloped rectangular area, surrounded by plastic tape flapping in the wind (which my horse thought was hot and refused to go near). I’m surprised that none of the horses were kicked or run over. Hopefully, the Ark will improve on this before their next horse trials.

Cross-country had rolling hills, nothing very strenuous, overall was fairly flat. Most of the course was in the open, but there was a nice section in the woods where you could sit quietly and gallop along. Jumps were solid, well-built, and a good size (shared one or two with training). The course had a bank up, bank down, a ditch, water, and an inviting trakehner. I felt like during the first part of the course (first five obstacles) it was difficult to get into a rhythm, because you were constantly faced with something, although after that point the course rode well. There was one particular section, from the bank down to the ditch, which I didn't like, because on landing you had to immediately turn to approach the ditch, and did not have time to get up much pace. It also happened to be the one place on course where you could easily see the exotic animals (although they were not out when I rode). I suppose the animals have the potential to be frightening to the horses, but I did not hear of anyone who had trouble with them.

Stadium was held on grass, and the arena was flat with good footing. The course was well-built and colorful. Warm-up was a much larger area than cross-country, and fairly easy to work in. Most of the fences were maximum height.

At 7:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terrain: 2
Jumps: 3
Time/Distance: 2

This comment is made after the John Williams redesign during the winter of 2005-2006, and after the spring recognized event. The XC warmup was fine--much improved from what it sounds like it had been.

The XC footing was variable. There is a portion through the woods that I thought was very hard. There are 2 water crossings at the T and P level, but only one for N/BN. The fences were fairly big. The edges of the XC fences are square, so if a horse hits one, he stings himself fairly badly--highly reccomend boots on horses' legs for this event. Distances were consistent with level, and times easy to make.

There were several falls during stadium, which might have been related to the arena. As previously, it was held in a grassy raised arena with bushes surrounding. It was very "looky". The courses were fair and well-designed, and pretty much maxed out.


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