
Hill N Hound

Comment here on your past experiences with the Hill N Hound Horse Trials. See the first post for a "how-to" of evaluations, and comment away.


At 9:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Levels Competed At: Training & Prelim

They have improved the warm-up over the past couple of years. The sand warm-up is too deep yet at this point, but there is ample flat grassy area surrounding it.

Competition is held in a lovely sand arena. They run two rings.

Cross-Country: Have not experienced the BN or Novice courses. My horse has always run well at HNH. The course is nice and gallopy, easy to get into a rhythm. The course is beautiful, and the terrain is moderately hilly. The Training and Prelim courses are good move-up courses...with the most challenging aspect of the course being the water complex.

Training Questions: skinny, coffin, water: portable, 3 strides drop into water, bank out of water, hard right hand turn 3 strides up over barrels.

Prelim Questions:
trakehner at bottom of a steep hill, corner 3 stride bending line to corner, portable coop 2 strides up big bank 3-4 strides to skinny, coffin with big rolltops, water: wish I could draw it. barrels set at angle, 2 strides drop into water, across water, up bank, 3 strides out over angled barrels. I can't explain the odd lines here very well...sorry. The coffin is actualy one of the tougher ones I have ridden. My horse and I typically like coffins, but he wasn't a fan of this one.

Often set on the side of a hill on grass. I think it is often designed by a "jumper". Courses tend to be challenging and hard to make the time.

Overall: This is a lovely event. Stabling is near XC and stadium. Nice warmups for all venues.

At 9:58 AM, Blogger l0rd0s3 said...

I've only schooled here - but if the water jump is the same as it was a few years ago, I really like it. For lower levels it is very inviting and one of the first ones I could actually get my guy into! :)


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